The Division works with various courts and legal organizations to provide enriching professional development opportunities for middle and high school teachers seeking to engage students in the workings of the courts, landmark case studies, and the rule of law. We currently have three regular summer PD opportunities:
ABA/FJC Summer Institute in Washington, D.C.
The Federal Judicial Center is the research and education agency of the judicial branch of the United States Government. The Center supports the efficient, effective administration of justice and judicial independence. Its status as a separate agency within the judicial branch, its specific missions, and its specialized expertise enable it to pursue and encourage critical and careful examination of ways to improve judicial administration.

Judge John F. Grady Summer Teachers Institute
The ABA is excited to partner with the United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois to host the Judge John F. Grady Virtual Summer Teachers Institute and Court Field Trips, sponsored by the Honorable John F. Grady Endowment.
Summer Institute for Teachers in Sacramento, CA
The ABA partners with the McGeorge School of Law for a teachers institute in Sacramento, California. Sign up for more information on the upcoming Summer Institutes.
Information and applications for each of these programs will be added as Summer 2024 programs are confirmed. For more information, please contact Catherine Hawke at (

Division for Public Education
The Division for Public Education provides reliable information about the law and legal issues, including resources and programs for educators, students, journalists, legal professionals, opinion leaders, and the public to advance public understanding of law and its role in society.